How Long Will the Heating Oil in my Tank Last?

Posted on September 15th, 2021 by Devine Bros

As the leaves change color and temperatures begin to drop, you may be wondering how long your heating oil will last. To avoid being left without heat this autumn, it’s important to have a plan in place. To answer the question of how long your heating oil will last, there are a few beginner maintenance items to check off your to-do list. 

Investigate Your Tank

If you don’t know when your tank was last filled or what size tank you have, take a few minutes now to figure that out so that you can keep track of how much is remaining in your tank throughout the season. The best way to prepare for the chilly weather is by making sure your heating oil tank has enough fuel before it starts getting too cold outside.

Get Your Tank Pumped Out

One of the first things a homeowner should do is have their tank pumped out. This process removes any sediment buildup on top of the heating oil over time, which can reduce fuel efficiency, cause a spill if it overflows, and cause damage to the burner.

So, How Long Will Your Heating Oil Last?

If you take care of the above necessary chores, you’re one step closer to being prepared for the cooler seasons. However, the life of a tank depends on many factors such as: 

  • How often do you use your home or business for heating?
  • Whether you heat with electric heaters.
  • What type of insulation do you have in place? (homes with poor insulation require more fuel)
  • The larger the house, the more fuel is needed.

Since these depend on the individual home or business, keeping track of your heating oil needs can seem hard. However, we here at Devine Bros are here to make things much easier for you! We offer Bioheat Heating Oil Service Contract Options as well as automatic deliveries, so you never have to worry about your tank going empty this fall and winter!

Helping Norwalk homeowners improve their lives is something Devine Brothers has been providing to their customers for over 100 years! If you’re interested in learning more about our service or need supplies, make sure to get in contact with us today! For more tips & tricks, make sure to like us on Facebook.

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