4 Creative Uses For Brick
Posted on July 22nd, 2020 by Devine Bros

When it comes to construction, brick is often a great replacement for regular old stone. However, there are many uses for brick– not specific to a construction project. Give your home that extra oomph and start getting creative with your materials. Here are a few ideas to get you started:
1. Garden Benches
This sturdy material can make for a perfect garden bench in your backyard. Not only will it add a pop of color, but it will be able to withstand some heavy weather conditions while it’s out there. Practical and pretty, it’s a great choice!
2 Make Brick Edging
For both walkways and gardens, edges are a great way to add extra flare while keeping your path and garden organized. It can also act as an extra wall of protection against flooding in your garden to keep your flowers and plants safe.
3 Build a Brick Waterfall
There’s nothing more beautiful than your very own DIY waterfall! Of course, you might have to get some help from outside sources, but the end result is worth the work. The waterfall will look more natural, fitting into your backyard perfectly. Pick a spot that will help compliment your yard well, like inside your garden or next to your seating area or patio.
4 Brick Birdbath
Seems strange, but brick would work as a great material for all your birdbath needs since it is so sturdy. It will hold the water well, and stand tall even during the worst weather conditions. If the birds don’t come around much after summer, your birdbath will be there waiting until next season.
Helping Norwalk homeowners improve their lives at home is something Devine Brothers has been providing to their customers for over 100 years! If you’re interested in learning more about our service or need supplies, make sure to get in contact with us today! For more tips & tricks, make sure to like us on Facebook!