How To Show Your Home More Love During Winter

Posted on February 12th, 2021 by Devine Bros

Many homes are in need of extra love and care this winter, especially in the spirit of Valentine’s Day. And when you start to show your house more love, you begin to appreciate it even more than before. Here are some of our favorite tips for showing your home love during the wintertime:

Brighten it Up

The days will get longer eventually, but until then, you can brighten up your home in many ways while we await spring. One of the most common ways is to invest in bright, energy-efficient light bulbs. Put these in your home areas that don’t see much sunlight to give the illusion of longer days. Another trick is to open more blinds during the day to let the light in for as long as possible! The brighter it is in your home, the more lively you’ll feel. 


A clean space is a happy space. Consider a huge decluttering day or so, one where you go through everything you have that takes up too much space and either throw it away or donate it. Think about what is beneficial to your home and what you maybe can do without. Your house will love you after that! 

Stay Warm

Love is a warm, comforting feeling. And so, to show your home more love this winter, it’s essential to keep it warm. Consider automatic propane deliveries to make sure the heat and fireplace are always running. Or regular HVAC maintenance checks to ensure your heating system is working correctly. There are many ways to make sure you never have to go cold this season. And feeling comfortable in your own home is extremely important! 

Helping Norwalk homeowners improve their lives is something Devine Brothers has been providing to their customers for over 100 years! If you’re interested in learning more about our service or need supplies, make sure to get in contact with us today! For more tips & tricks, make sure to like us on Facebook!

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