How To Clean Your Fireplace and Chimney

Posted on September 15th, 2020 by Devine Bros

A warm fire in the stone fireplace on a cold night.

Your fireplace brings that perfect comfy and cozy ambiance to your home, and it’s almost time to start lighting it up again. However, after months of it probably not being used, it’s vital to give both your fireplace and chimney a good clean before lighting it for the first time this season. 

For your safety and for the safety of your home, here are some of the best ways to clean these spots before using them again. 

Start Small

Cleaning away dust and soot from your fireplace isn’t a hard task, but rather a time consuming one. Using a broom, you just need to sweep everything away and into a garbage bin. Sweep from both the floor and the walls of the firepit. It can get messy, so you might want to put down a tarp. Keep your furniture and rugs away from the area, just in case! 

Get The Right Tools

Chimney and fireplace maintenance and cleaning require the right tools, so make sure you have everything you need. From cleanout doors to ash dumps, the proper products will make your life so much easier. Chimney caps can also help a bunch because it keeps outside debris from getting in, keeping this area cleaner all year round!

Hire a Professional

Regular cleanings and annual inspections help make sure you and your home are as safe as possible when starting up your fireplace again. During the process, they’ll also check for any issues all while leaving you with a clean and spotless chimney and fireplace. While DIY cleanings are always an option, it’s always safer to leave it to the professionals. 

Helping Norwalk homeowners improve their lives at home is something Devine Brothers has been providing to their customers for over 100 years! If you’re interested in learning more about our service or need supplies, make sure to get in contact with us today! For more tips & tricks, make sure to like us on Facebook!

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