Closing Air Vents: Airflow and Energy-Saving Myths Busted
Posted on April 27th, 2023 by Devine Bros

During hot weather, when homeowners want to cool their homes more efficiently and save on energy bills, they may have heard the advice to save money by closing air conditioning vents to reduce cooling costs. However, this advice may create problems rather than solve them.
This blog will aim to dispel the myths surrounding closing air vents and provide insight into why it’s not a good idea.
Importance of Airflow
Airflow is a critical component in the functioning of an HVAC system. It is designed for the flow of air through a network of ducts and returns to balance the temperature evenly in a home. Once the air is closed off in one area, it changes the pressure throughout the system. As a result, your air conditioning system may end up pushing more breeze into that area, wasting energy and potentially leading to leaking air ducts. Additionally, closing air vents can damage critical components of an HVAC system, like the blower motor, substantially damaging the design’s efficiency.
Issues With Unbalanced Systems
The thought of saving money by not cooling an unused room may seem like a good idea. The belief is that you could save energy and costs by simply closing a room’s air vent. However, that idea is false! Closing air vents can lead to an unbalanced system, leading to inefficiencies. Contrary to popular belief, the HVAC system doesn’t use more energy than it needs to when air vents are opened in every room. These systems work smartly and efficiently to measure the air pressure and properly distribute air to each area of your home.
Moisture Problems
Closing air vents could even lead to moisture issues if the proper humidity is not maintained throughout the household. HVAC systems work to manage humidity levels in a home by receiving the necessary ventilation via the duct system to each room. When air vents are closed, the distribution mechanism can’t efficiently distribute humidity and moisture, causing potential mold issues.
HVAC Services in Norwalk, CT
Helping Norwalk homeowners improve their lives at home is something Devine Brothers has been providing to their customers for over 100 years! If you’re interested in learning more about our service or need supplies, make sure to get in contact with us today! For more tips & tricks, make sure to like us on Facebook!