A Guide To Safely Putting Up Halloween Decorations
Posted on October 27th, 2020 by Devine Bros

Half of the fun in Halloween involves being able to decorate your house to match the occasion. You can go the spooky and scary route or go with the cute and welcoming ornaments. Either way, it’s a creative way of celebrating the holiday for many households! But, one of the most important parts of decorating your home is making sure you’re doing it safely. We have a few tips to ensure that you’re doing just that:
Remember Ladder Safety
If you need to hop on that ladder to get a few lights or hanging decorations up, make sure you aren’t climbing it alone. Someone should always be at the bottom spotting you and making sure you’re safe while up there. If anything were to happen, the person keeping a close eye on you would be able to come help right away. Never climb a ladder alone!
Keep A Clear Pathway
Don’t go too big with your decoration if it means it will create hazardous conditions around your home. You want to be able to safely walk to your front door, not trip over every extension cord or spider web. Plan your pieces carefully and make sure they are all in safe locations. This will ensure that both your family and trick or treaters are out of harm’s way.
Know Your Electronic Dos and Don’ts
There are many kinds of decorations these days that light up, move, and make noises when someone comes too close. These are all very fun to work with, but electronic safety needs to be taken seriously. Do make sure any extension cord or electronic device you are using is approved for outdoor use. Don’t plug your extension cords into each other, since it could cause overheating or voltage drops.
Use The Right Tools
When it comes to hammering something to the ground or wearing protective gear for climbing or digging, you should always have the right tools with you. Sometimes Halloween decorations require a little more extra help in order to get them to stay sturdy. Plan accordingly so that you are ready for anything.
Helping Norwalk homeowners improve their lives at home is something Devine Brothers has been providing to their customers for over 100 years! If you’re interested in learning more about our service or need supplies, make sure to get in contact with us today! For more tips & tricks, make sure to like us on Facebook!